Our friendly staff at My Family Chiro invites residents of St George and the nearby areas to visit us for headache and migraine relief. If you or a family member suffers from headaches and migraines, you understand the struggle and pain of these conditions. Headaches and migraines can strike at any age and our chiropractor, Dr. Johnson welcomes the opportunity to care for your children and aging parents as well. Chiropractic care targets the spine to alleviate nerve pressure that contributes to headaches. When your neck and back are positioned in a healthy way, many of your symptoms disappear. Chiropractic adjustments are gentle and non-invasive making them ideal for all ages.

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Symptoms of Headaches and Migraines

Not all headaches and migraines are alike and residents of St George understand that symptoms may last for a handful of minutes, hours or days. The pain may begin in your neck from muscle tension caused by stress or an injury, then circle around your head. You may feel eye strain that leads to headaches around your temples and at the front of your head. Migraines are intense pain and may also be connected with blurred vision, dizziness, nausea and light sensitivity. None of these are comfortable and all interfere with work, life and play. Instead of reaching for anti-pain medication, we are recommending chiropractic care as an alternative.

Chiropractic Care for Headaches and Migraines

Dr. Johnson is a certified Atlas Orthogonist. Our St George chiropractor is skilled in adjusting the top vertebrae which often contribute to headaches when they are misaligned. This poor alignment may be the result of an accident in which you are dealing with whiplash, could be the result of years of poor posture or it may have been in place from the moment you exited the birth canal. Dr. Johnson expertly adjusts your neck to free you from headache and migraine symptoms. When your neck and back are in a healthy alignment, nerve signals are not blocked, nerves are not compressed and muscles are not tense from trying to maintain an awkward spinal position. As a result, your headaches are alleviated.

At My Family Chiro, we also provide massage therapy to alleviate muscle tension that contributes to headaches. Our massage therapist is able to reduce scar tissue that prevents head and neck mobility. As your muscles relax, your headaches are reduced. We also offer cold laser therapy to help injury recovery and reduce headaches connected to your injuries. The cold laser targets inflammation and helps promote healing at the cellular level. Our services work together to eliminate your headaches and migraines and are ideal for all ages.

If you or your child is suffering from debilitating headaches or migraines and you are tired of taking medications to cover up your symptoms, visit My Family Chiro. Dr. Johnson targets the cause of your headaches to eliminate them naturally. Call us today to experience immediate relief.