If you’ve encountered rave reviews about Atlas Orthogonal (AO) treatment, you’re probably wondering what all the shouting is about — and whether it might help you as well. Here are some answers about AO from our St George chiropractic team at My Family Chiro.

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What is an Atlas Orthogonist?

An Atlas Orthogonist is a regular doctor of Chiropractic (DC) who has received specialized additional training for treating the vertebrae at the top of the cervical spine. Our own Dr. Johnson is an Atlas Orthogonist.

How does Atlas Orthogonal differ from traditional chiropractic care?

Adjusting the Atlas vertebrae at the top of the spinal column requires us to make very small, precise adjustments. Dr. Johnson uses a special tapping technique to make this possible.

What conditions can Atlas Orthogonal treat?

AO can treat a wide range of disorders including injuries, chronic pain conditions, neurological syndromes, acute or chronic joint trouble, stress, headaches and more.

What other benefits does this technique convey?

AO can not only relieve your immediate pain and other symptoms, but it may also help you avoid the need for drugs or surgery in the long term. The restoration of proper nerve function is even valuable for supporting proper growth and development in children.

How do you know I need it?

Dr. Johnson uses a variety of diagnostic methods to determine whether your Atlas vertebral alignment is causing your health issues. These diagnostics may include taking your family history and evaluating your symptoms as well as x-rays, leg measurements, orthopedic evaluations and temperature differential measurements.

Are X-Rays required?

X-rays are critical to ensure the high degree of accuracy necessary for successful AO treatment. We will never employ guesswork for these precise corrections!

Does AO hurt?

This x-ray guided technique is so accurate, and the adjustments so small, that it does not cause pain. In fact, the light touch applied usually feels like next to nothing — while still producing extraordinary results.

What should I expect following my first correction?

Your condition’s symptoms may disappear, but don’t be surprised if they move into another part of the body temporarily as your nervous system sorts things out. Some short-term stiffness, soreness or sleepiness may also occur.

Can I get lasting results?

A typical AO treatment program may provide long-lasting beneficial effects after only one or two sessions. While the correction may not be permanent, it require significantly fewer sessions that other treatment methods.

How do I maintain my new cervical alignment?

Once your Atlas vertebrae are realigned, you can take steps to keep it properly aligned. We can recommend stretching exercises and other wellness practices to help the get the most out of your AO treatment.

Contact Our St George Clinic to Learn More

We’re happy to help you find out whether AO makes sense for your needs. Call our St George clinic today for a consultation!